qt4 mit Gnome

Hinweis: In dem Thema qt4 mit Gnome gibt es 10 Antworten auf 2 Seiten. Der letzte Beitrag () befindet sich auf der letzten Seite.
  • Was ist AVR?
    Was meinst du?

    Meinst du Atmel Microcontroller?

    Oder eines aus dieser lange nicht vollständigen Auswahl:

    AVRAutomatic Voltage Regulator
    AVRAutomatic Voltage Regulation
    AVRAvril (French: April)
    AVRAudio/Video Receiver
    AVRAortic Valve Replacement
    AVRAutomated Voice Response
    AVRAvery Dennison (USPS philately)
    AVRAudio Visual Research (file extension)
    AVRAverage Vehicle Ridership
    AVRAutomatic Voice Recognition
    AVRAudio Visual Rentals
    AVRAutomatic Volume Recognition
    AVRAdvanced Virtual RISC
    AVRAvid Video Resolution
    AVRAssociation Nationale des Victimes de la Route (French: National Association of Road Traffic Victims; Luxembourg)
    AVRAllegheny Valley Railroad
    AVRAustralian Veterinary Reserve (est. 2004; Australia)
    AVRAmerican Volunteer Reserve
    AVRAdvanced Video Redirection
    AVRAchat, Vente, Réparation (French: Buying, Selling, Repairs; Couëron, France)
    AVRAccelerated Ventricular Rhythm
    AVRAssociation des Villes pour Le Recyclage
    AVRAdvance Vendor Replacement (vendor provides replacement parts before the return of failed ones)
    AVRAugmented Voltage Right Arm (EKG lead)
    AVRAssembly and Verification Review
    AVRAudio Video Replicator
    AVRActive Voltage Regulation/Regulator
    AVRAsset Visibility Report
    AVRAccelerated Vector Restoration
    AVRAbsolute Value Rectifier
    AVRAlf-Egil Bogen, Vegard Wollan, RISC microcontroller (aka Advanced Virtual RISC)
    AVRAugmented and Virtual Reality