Beiträge von modemfreak

    Guten Tag,

    mich interessiert was dieser Code macht.

    Also technisch gesehen

    Was hat es mit diesem Code aufsich den ich in der Zip Datei die ich von hier runterlud…omment-page-1/#comment-78 ? Wie muss ich modemu einrichten damit ich unter ubuntu mit modemu emails versenden kann?

    Vielen Dank für die Beantwortung meiner Fragen.

    #!/usr/local/bin/xc -s

    # Modemu + xc sample script: "Xc talks SMTP and sends you a mail."
    # Usage:
    # modemu -c 'xc -l tty%s -s xc-sends-mail'

    assign HOST eq `hostname`
    assign TOADR eq $LOGNAME

    dial ""
    #220 xxx Sendmail ready
    if ! waitfor "220" 10; then exit; endif

    transmit "HELO "
    transmit HOST
    transmit "^M"
    #250 xxx Hello xxx, pleased to meet you
    if ! waitfor "250" 10; then exit; endif

    transmit "MAIL FROM: "
    transmit $LOGNAME
    transmit "^M"
    #250 xxx... Sender ok
    if ! waitfor "250" 10; then exit; endif

    transmit "RCPT TO: "
    transmit TOADR
    transmit "^M"
    #250 xxx... Recipient ok
    if ! waitfor "250" 10; then exit; endif

    transmit "DATA^M"
    #354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
    if ! waitfor "354" 10; then exit; endif

    transmit "From: "
    transmit $LOGNAME
    transmit " (A satisfied modemu user ^M"
    transmit "Subject: Sample mail for modemu demo^M"
    transmit "^M"
    transmit "This mail was sent to you by modemu + xc.^M"

    transmit "^M.^M"
    #250 Mail accepted
    if ! waitfor "250" 10; then exit; endif

    transmit "QUIT^M"
    #221 xxx delivering mail
    if ! waitfor "221" 10; then exit; endif

    if ! waitfor "NO CARRIER" 10; then exit; endif
